Thematic Area Group | Business School Research
Innovative business practices require providing appealing and value-generating solutions. It is crucial to understand organizational structures and the evolution of talent management procedures to foresee the future of work. The creation of this research group aims to serve as a bridge in comprehending these transformative aspects in shaping organizational culture.
The research team concentrates on examining, recognizing, and comprehending the elements of business administration that prove valuable in formulating strategies, confronting the obstacles encountered by organizational executives, and devising enhancement proposals to safeguard the company's operations from being impacted by unforeseen market fluctuations.
Within the research team, we aim to gather insights from executives and team members within organizations to enhance the creation of models and scientific proposals that contribute to fostering a positive work atmosphere and a structural framework that aligns with the demands of modern work practices. We are interested in gathering viewpoints backed by the production, development, and distribution of academic papers in specialized journals or popular science articles, active involvement in industry-specific conventions and seminars, both domestically and internationally, and leveraging social platforms to share updates on ongoing projects.
The lines of research are multidisciplinary and mainly focus on business management practices and procedures, the future of work, organizational design, and culture, considering the aspects of sustainability and their effect on individuals and the broader social context.